It is a super exciting month for RÖK, the new issue will be out at the end of the month! You can watch me ink a page from it in this awesomesauce video:
But wait, there's more!
At the Alternative Press Expo there was a new RÖK comic that untill now hasn't made it to the internet! RÖK MINI!!!! Its a miniature sized 12 page issue of RÖK with three rather goofy (but totally metal) stories with all your favorite characters from the series!
You can go pick it up along with the other RÖK issues on my Etsy, here. However, I'm posting the first story from the comic, about the origins of Odin's mighty hurdy-gurdy, online right now! YAAAY! Without further ado, RÖK MINI:
\m/ RÖK ON~!